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Workplace Investigations

Workplace investigations are now a regular feature of the workplace and can be required in the context of disciplinary proceedings, serious misconduct, whistleblowing, bullying, sexual harassment and discrimination complaints. It is very important that the investigation is carried out with the requisite skill and care as such investigations can have serious reputational consequences. They will be subject to close scrutiny and can on occasion be subject to legal challenge. A badly managed process can damage the organisation and expose it to potential legal claims.

Organisations are increasingly choosing to outsource workplace investigation in light of the time commitment, complexity and at times internal conflict of interest that may arise. It is very important to choose an investigator with care as well as having the basis of a well drafted policy in place, to ensure the investigation is conducted in a compliant manner. We can assist with putting in place appropriate policies, through to advising on any investigation. We are accredited Workplace Investigators with the US based AWI, Association of Workplace Investigators and trained CEDR Mediators. We practice the most up to date and international approach to workplace investigations and mediations.

At CC HR & Legal we have the specialist skills to either independently conduct a work place investigation on your behalf or provide HR support throughout the investigation process.

The benefit of appointing us as independent investigators is that you can be assured a skilled member of our team will conduct the investigation with due care and the required expertise. Our usp is that all our team are legally qualified and understand the importance of ensuring that the process and outcome must withstand internal and external scrutiny. You will have the comfort knowing that the investigation is being conducted professionally and that you will receive a comprehensive outcome report in a timely manner.

  • Review complaint received and relevant policies and procedures
  • Draft terms of reference for the investigation process
  • Liase with appointed contact person for the organisation and complainant
  • Interview relevant witnesses
  • Collate necessary evidence
  • Compile and draft detailed written report